Maritime works
Design of maritime works and infrastructures

Maritime works require a fleet, technical underwater operators, specialized personnel but above all experience and organizational capacity.

Progettazione infrastrutture marittime - Nautilus
Opere di difesa e dranaggi - Nautilus
Defense and dredging works

We carry out selective and non-selective underwater excavations for maintenance or new construction of port structures or for the execution of coastal nourishment. We carry out interventions for the protection of coastal areas exposed to the risk of floods and erosion.

Palancolati - Nautilus
Sheet piles and large metal elements

We are specialized in the construction of infrastructures that require the insertion of metal elements, used as single elements or combined to form complex structures. 

Nautilus - Porti commerciali e marine
Commercial and marine ports

Realization and maintenance of single mooring docks or entire public or private commercial, tourist and industrial port infrastructures. Installation and maintenance of floating pontoons, construction of physical barriers to protect marinas, sea and river ports.

Posa e riparazione subacquea di condotte e cavi
Underwater installation and repair of pipes and cables

As part of the laying of pipelines and power lines, telephone and submarine telecommunications, Nautilus has developed its own technology that allows the excavation, laying and backfilling of the lines to be combined in a single work phase.

Nautilus - Campagne geognostiche
Geognostic campaigns

For the execution of geognostic campaigns or of characterization of the seabed, Nautilus has a modular self-lifting platform (jack-up) transferable both by sea and by land transport. We carry out geognostic surveys on backdrops with depths between -1.50m asl and -24.00m asl

Demolizioni e ripristini Nautilus
Demolitions and restorations

Execution of demolition of concrete and steel port works - underwater or out of water - and restoration of the same through the use of innovative technologies and operating methods.

Lavori edili marittimi e stabilizzazione fondali
Maritime construction works and seabed stabilization

The reference scenario of Nautilus is the delicate environment of the Venice Lagoon. The habit of operating in a city built on water, unique for its historical and architectural heritage, prompted us to study solutions and carry out interventions with a low environmental system.

Istallazione e manutenzione di boe - Nautilus
Installation and maintenance of buoys and maritime signaling

Thanks to our means and our teams of technical underwater operators, we manage the installation, verification, maintenance and repair of buoy fields and elastic beams and whole weather-marine monitoring systems (signal towers, tide gauges...).

Nautilus Srl | P.IVA 02924640275 
Via Moranzani, 42/b | 30176 Venezia Malcontenta (Italy)
Phone +39 041 698523 | Fax +39 041 5470225 | |

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